

Things go out of stock or change quicker than we can update this site. Instead of buying a like product or going to Petco, please contact us so we can send you another link for the same product. You do not want to cheap out on training equipment, this is for your dog’s comfort, safety and function of the equipment. We will ask you to repurchase the right equipment and do refuse to use equipment that doesn’t meet our standards.

If you are confused on sizing your dogs neck, use a string, or belt to size. Mark it, then measure that with a regular tape measure to see how many inches your dogs neck is. Always get an inch or two larger to account for any errors or growth. Prong collars can have links added and taken away for an exact fit so for prong collars you don’t need the exact fit in inches.



Whether it is Herm Spring Collars or Elevated “Place” Beds, here is a collection of affordable gear to get your pooch trained up. After our first consolation we will evaluate the appropriate gear to ensure success!



Good hygiene = a happy dog! Through years of experience and owning 4 dogs myself, here is what I have found to work best in maintaining a happy, healthy dog. Always keep them at their healthiest.



Looking to find the top gear to make your canine look their best? Or maybe its fun and engaging toys to reward them for the best behavior? Here are my recommendation for what I have found works the best.